Sermons & Divrei Torah

Vayetze: 50 Years Later

Vayetze: 50 Years Later

This Shabbat marks 50 years since I read the haftarah for Vayetze at my Friday night bat mitzvah at B’nai Torah in Trumbull, CT. Where has the time gone? Who could have imagined that 50 years later I’d be a rabbi, have been married–and be a mother–more than half of my life?

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Vayera: Putting God On Hold

Vayera: Putting God On Hold

This week’s Torah reading, Vayera, opens with: Vayera ay-lav Ado-nai bay-lonay Mamray v’hu yoshev petakh ha-ohel b’khom hayom, “And God appeared to him (Abraham) by the groves of Mamre; he was sitting at the entrance of the tent in the heat of the day.”

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Mental Health, Rosh Hashanah Day 1, 5782

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld does a standup routine about the Olympic Games, and speaks about the silver medal, and how he’d almost rather come in last than win silver; “It’s like, congratulations, you almost won.” He points out in that in some of the contests, such as...

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Nitzavim: What Difference Will We Make?

Nitzavim: What Difference Will We Make?

In this week’s Torah reading, Nitzavim, Moses speaks to the assembled Israelies, nitzavim hayom kul’chem lifnay Ado-nai elo-haychem… l’ov-r’kha biv’rit Ado-nai elo-hecha “standing here today, together, in front of the Lord your God, to enter into the covenant with the Lord your God.”

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Seeing and Appearing

How one person understands something may be different than the person standing next to them. We each “see” things through our own unique lenses, even though we’re all looking at the same thing.

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Latest Sermons

Mindfulness-Erev Rosh Hashanah 5784
Mindfulness-Erev Rosh Hashanah 5784

A few months ago, a couple of my colleagues mentioned using an app called Ten Percent Happier, by former ABC news anchor Dan Harris, for meditation and mindfulness. No, he’s not paying me to talk about the app, or the benefits of meditation, and even though one of his...

Eikev: Mindfully Eating Our Fill
Eikev: Mindfully Eating Our Fill

Photo credit: Rabbi Susan Elkodsi, 2021 One of my first classes in rabbinical school at AJR was “Contemplative Practice” with Rabbi Jill Hammer. One of the assignments had to do with “mindful eating,” where you take a small food item–perhaps a grape or raisin– look at...

Yom Kippur: Hope, Despair And A Shining Sun
Yom Kippur: Hope, Despair And A Shining Sun

Yom Kippur 5783 Like many of the quotes and poems that make their way into use, a poem attributed to an anonymous person in a concentration camp, or in hiding, became somewhat of an urban legend, and has often been taken out of context, as well as not accurately...

Latest Midrash HaZak

Pinchas: Women’s Wisdom and the Ripple Effect, Muriel Dance
Pinchas: Women’s Wisdom and the Ripple Effect, Muriel Dance

Photo Credit: Sergiu Bacioiu from Romania, Pinchas: Women's Wisdom and the Ripple Effect by Muriel Dance Parshat Pinchas has been like a stone thrown into the pond of my being; it has rippled out over the decades: from the Rosh Hodesh portion that...

Balak: What The Donkey Sees And Says, Trisha Arlin
Balak: What The Donkey Sees And Says, Trisha Arlin

Photo Credit: Balak, What the Donkey Sees and Says ©️2023 Trisha Arlin A man Named Bilam, A people-pleaser, and A freelance speaker of Curses and blessings, Had a donkey That he rode To his professional engagements. One day Bilam was...

Shofetim: Renewing and Focusing on Life
Shofetim: Renewing and Focusing on Life

Photo Credit: Each morning at the start of the Shacharit prayers there is a passage in which we praise God for having “fashioned man in his wisdom” and “creating within him life-sustaining organs… If but one of these were to function...

Latest Personal Blogs

Ending Hanukkah, A Ritual
Ending Hanukkah, A Ritual

Photo Credit: Dr. Len Radin on Flickr The idea for this ritual came about when a comment was made that when a lit candle is used to light other candles, that first candle’s flame doesn’t diminish; rather each flame becomes whole unto itself. When we kindle lights, we...

Sukkah and the Olympics, How Does The Wind Blow?
Sukkah and the Olympics, How Does The Wind Blow?

For many people, reading Talmud is like Joan Rivers’ z”l comment about how calculus might have  prepared her to be a housewife; “so I can calculate the size of the living room? It’s six inches shorter than the vacuum cleaner cord!” More than one person has questioned...

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