Parasha Vayakhel: A Mirror of the Holy Whole

Parasha Vayakhel: A Mirror of the Holy Whole

                                  Parasha Vayakhel: A Mirror of the Holy Whole Cherie Karo Schwartz  My Mom, Dotty Karo of blessed memory, was an ultimate crafter. She had a room stuffed with kaleidoscope-colored treasures she’d collected or had been gifted by...

Ki Tavo: Entering the Land and a New Age

Ki Tavo: Entering the Land and a New Age Charles Goldman This midrash speaks to me. Just as the people of Israel were about to embark on the next mega steps of their lives in the Holy Land, and Moses was intoning to them that they have “a heart to know, eyes to see,...
M’tzora: If Walls Could Talk

M’tzora: If Walls Could Talk

Dirty Concrete Wall | Rough surface of dirty concrete wall. … | Flickr M’tzora: If Walls Could Talk Reb Carl Viniar Many of us still remember our parents saying, “just wait until you’re older!” I thought they were talking about being able to do more things. Now...
Terumah: Bringing The Gifts Of Your Life

Terumah: Bringing The Gifts Of Your Life

Terumah: Bringing The Gifts Of Your Life Rabbi Jill Berkson Zimmerman One day, I was perusing my dear friend Karen’s bookshelves because I was always interested in what new finds she had acquired. She commented to me that she had stopped purchasing new books, and...

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