Image by liberty99 from Pixabay Toldot – Sight And Vision As We Age By Rabbi Marge Wise It is very interesting to note that Parshat Toldot is the first portion in the Torah which contains the themes of disability and aging. Specifically, we will examine how these...
VaYera: Is Our Story Abraham’s? by Rabbi Richard Address, D.Min. Parashat Vayera offers us so many challenges, so many glimpses into issues that touch on so many of our experiences. The reading begins with the mitzvah of welcoming the stranger and the textual basis...
Lech Lecha: The Journey of The Next Chapter by Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin Temple Israel, West Palm Beach, FL Last year, I attended a retirement seminar. I asked the following question, “How do you know how much money you will need for retirement?” The presenter asked me:...
I remember when I was turning 60 thinking that this was going to be a productive decade for me. I had a good feeling about it. I remembered that for my own mother, her 60s had been a decade overflowing with creative output. I hoped that I might be able to match her. I...
CHOOSE LIFE! by Jill Minkoff We/I again read Nitzavim. The words are the same each time we/I read it. That’s a fact! And yet, there are so many variables that go into the actual experience and impact this reading has on me, and perhaps you as well. Sometimes, it’s a...
AHARE MOT AND YOM KIPPUR- THE BOOK OF LIFE AND THE BOOK OF DEATH By Rabbi Rifat Sonsino, Ph.D There is a popular belief that it is socially inappropriate to say bad things after a person dies in as much as the dead cannot justify themselves. This is expressed in Latin...
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