Waiting for the Second Marshmallow, Shabbat Vayikra by Rav Edmond H Weiss, Ph.D. It is still embarrassing, even after studying for so many decades, to remember that, until the destruction of the Second Temple, our principal channel of communication with Israel’s God...
Parshas Vayeilech: Dying with Dignity and Purpose by Dr. Aaron Kershenbaum photo from pxhere.com, Robin Jacob I have, from time to time wondered why God chose Moses to serve in his unique role as the giver of the Torah and the person who led the Jewish People to the...
Chaye Sarah-To Be A Blessing By Rabbi Maralee Gordon My mother told the story of how her parents called her up and announced that they had just bought a condo. “You bought a condo?!” she exclaimed, puzzled. They talked on the phone every day but they hadn’t shared a...
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