Bereshit: Two Stories

Bereshit: Two Stories

I remember when I was turning 60 thinking that this was going to be a productive decade for me. I had a good feeling about it. I remembered that for my own mother, her 60s had been a decade overflowing with creative output. I hoped that I might be able to match her. I...
Back to the Garden

Back to the Garden

“And now, back to our regularly scheduled program…” The month of Tishrei, which began with the soul-searching of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and ended with the joyous celebrations of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, is about to end, allowing us to settle back into a...
What We Can Learn From Mrs. Noah

What We Can Learn From Mrs. Noah

This week we read Parashat Noah, the second weekly reading in the Torah, and it opens with God telling Noah to build an ark, gather his family and two of each animal, before the rains come. Noach is mentioned by name, as are his three sons, Shem, Ham and Yaphet. The...

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