Shoftim: Can Destruction be Just?

Shoftim: Can Destruction be Just?

Photo: Lawrence Barringer, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The spotted lantern fly has arrived in our area, and we’re being advised to squash them if we see them. This bug has no natural...
Parshat Pinchas: Looking For the Good

Parshat Pinchas: Looking For the Good

Photo: COSV from Wikimedia Commons. Women Gathering Wood, South Sudan My friend Sylvia (who says I’m her favorite female rabbi) is almost 98–may she live and be well–and is often troubled by the harsher judgments and more problematic passages in the Torah. And rightly...
A Prayer and a Pitchfork

A Prayer and a Pitchfork

I love studying Talmud, and one of the reasons is because it allows me to get into the hearts, lives and minds of our rabbinic sages, the people who struggled to make our sacred texts accessible, and who created the Judaism we know today. The destruction of Jerusalem...
Compassion – Across the Divide

Compassion – Across the Divide

Passover is a commemoration of the Israelites’ journey from slavery in Egypt to redemption and freedom in the wilderness of Sinai. When we read and tell the story during the Maggid portion of our seders, we begin with disgrace, avadim hayinu l’faro b’mitzrayim, “We...

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