Twenty-Eight years ago, the day after Simchat Torah, we were blessed with a daughter whose Hebrew name is Simcha Yehudit – “Joy of Judaism” or “Jewish Joy.” The choice of name had nothing to do with the holiday itself, but a happy coincidence. Simchat Torah, one of...
Lech Lecha may-artz’kha, mi molad’tkha, u mi bet avikha el ha-aretz asher arecka, “Go forth from your land, from your birthplace, from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.” God’s first words to Avram (later Abraham) tell him to move forward...
This week we read Parashat Noah, the second weekly reading in the Torah, and it opens with God telling Noah to build an ark, gather his family and two of each animal, before the rains come. Noach is mentioned by name, as are his three sons, Shem, Ham and Yaphet. The...
It could be said that our patriarch, Jacob, was the first person to create an ethical will, essentially, a spiritual bequest to his heirs. In this week’s Torah reading, Vayechi, which means, “and he–meaning Jacob–lived,” Jacob gathers his children together to bless...
This week we read the third portion in the book of Bereshit, Genesis, Lech L’cha, from the first sentence. Lech L’cha means, “go, go forth, go for–or to–yourself.” As Freud is famous for saying, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar,” and while from a...
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