Miketz: Preparing For Life’s Journey

Miketz: Preparing For Life’s Journey

Miketz: Preparing for Life’s Journey Rabbi Dayle Friedman In Parashat Miketz, we encounter Joseph as a person growing in wisdom. For the third time in his life, he is moved to interpret a pair of dreams. As a youth, Joseph reports two dreams in which he is a...
Vayechi: Spiritual Care For The Dying

Vayechi: Spiritual Care For The Dying

Photo Credit: D-Gernz on Flickr This week’s Torah reading, Vayechi, begins by telling us that our patriarch Jacob, “lived 17 years in the land of Egypt,” once he had been reunited with his beloved son, Joseph. This sentence sets the stage for the end of the...
Vayehi: Jacob’s End-of-Life Wisdom

Vayehi: Jacob’s End-of-Life Wisdom

Photo Credit: flicker.com/salvadhor Parashat Vayehi – Jacob’s End-of-Life Wisdom Reb Simcha Paull Raphael Ph.D. At the end of Genesis the life long journey of the illustrious patriarch Jacob comes to an end. Surrounded by his extended family, Jacob dies, he “was...

Lighting Up The Darkness

Darkness and light are motifs that have been around since, well, the beginning. Coming as it does at the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, Hanukkah–the Festival of Lights–acknowledges the very human desire and need for illumination. If the heavenly...
A Grandparent’s Blessing

A Grandparent’s Blessing

While I don’t (yet) have grandchildren of my own, there are a few kids out there who call me “Rabbi Grandma,” and it’s something I cherish. I don’t get to see them often, but they do have their own families as well. It occurs to me that while the Torah loves...

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