Ending Hanukkah, A Ritual

Ending Hanukkah, A Ritual

Photo Credit: Dr. Len Radin on Flickr The idea for this ritual came about when a comment was made that when a lit candle is used to light other candles, that first candle’s flame doesn’t diminish; rather each flame becomes whole unto itself. When we kindle lights, we...

Lighting Up The Darkness

Darkness and light are motifs that have been around since, well, the beginning. Coming as it does at the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, Hanukkah–the Festival of Lights–acknowledges the very human desire and need for illumination. If the heavenly...
Let the Light of Hanukkah Shine On

Let the Light of Hanukkah Shine On

Hanukkah ends at sunset, but unlike the endings of Shabbat and festivals–when Havdalah marks the separation between the holy and the mundane–there’s no ritual to mark this ending, and I’d like to propose one. A chanukiah that uses candles has room for nine...

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