Mindfulness-Erev Rosh Hashanah 5784

Mindfulness-Erev Rosh Hashanah 5784

A few months ago, a couple of my colleagues mentioned using an app called Ten Percent Happier, by former ABC news anchor Dan Harris, for meditation and mindfulness. No, he’s not paying me to talk about the app, or the benefits of meditation, and even though one of his...
Eikev: Mindfully Eating Our Fill

Eikev: Mindfully Eating Our Fill

Photo credit: Rabbi Susan Elkodsi, 2021 One of my first classes in rabbinical school at AJR was “Contemplative Practice” with Rabbi Jill Hammer. One of the assignments had to do with “mindful eating,” where you take a small food item–perhaps a grape or raisin– look at...
Shemot: And God Said, “Hineni”

Shemot: And God Said, “Hineni”

Photo credit: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/wNYxw Shemot: And God Said, “Hineni” By Cantor Lois Kittner I believe in miracles, and I believe in God, but the accepted translations and interpretations of common scenes in the Torah had made it...
Being Mindful Of Our Blessings

Being Mindful Of Our Blessings

“You shall not behave the way we do here this day, everyone doing what they please.” Doesn’t this verse from Deuteronomy sound like a biblical version of a parent saying to a child, “you’re not going to act this way at Grandma’s house, are you?” And as I write it, I...

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