Bo: Telling Our Story, Enhancing our Senses

Bo: Telling Our Story, Enhancing our Senses

Bo: Telling Our Story, Enhancing our Senses Rabbi Sue Live Elwell When we turn to the texts that have accompanied many throughout the days of their lives, we look for directional signs that may be useful to us as we navigate our final days and years. As we age, we...
Miketz: Preparing For Life’s Journey

Miketz: Preparing For Life’s Journey

Miketz: Preparing for Life’s Journey Rabbi Dayle Friedman In Parashat Miketz, we encounter Joseph as a person growing in wisdom. For the third time in his life, he is moved to interpret a pair of dreams. As a youth, Joseph reports two dreams in which he is a...
Beshallach: A Journey Through The Sea And Life

Beshallach: A Journey Through The Sea And Life

The Waters Are Divided (watercolor circa 1896–1902 by James Tissot) Beshallach: A Journey Through The Sea And Life Rabbi Judith B. Edelstein, D.Min., BCC Beshallach (“When he let go”) refers to Pharaoh’s sending out the enslaved Israelites from Egypt. This parashah...
Pharaoh’s Buyer’s Remorse

Pharaoh’s Buyer’s Remorse

It’s really hard to be wrong, to have regrets, to be on the “losing” side of something. Making (and acknowledging) mistakes is also hard, if not harder. When I’m knitting, and realize there’s a mistake in the piece, perhaps several rows back, I often dig in and...
“Ko-vid-26*” and Covid-19

“Ko-vid-26*” and Covid-19

Last year at this time I was happily making initial preparations for the Malverne Jewish Center’s third annual Community Passover Seder. Well, you know what they say about “the best laid plans.” I tried to hold out hope that the novel coronavirus that had reached our...

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