While I don’t (yet) have grandchildren of my own, there are a few kids out there who call me “Rabbi Grandma,” and it’s something I cherish. I don’t get to see them often, but they do have their own families as well. It occurs to me that while the Torah loves...
Welcome to parashah Mikketz, which is always read on the Shabbat of Hanukkah, and continues the story of Joseph. When we last left our hero, Joseph, he was languishing in prison, having been put there for allegedly sleeping with his boss’ wife. After successfully...
The other night I dreamt that I started smoking again and I was furious with myself; quitting smoking isn’t easy, and I was upset that I’d have to start that process all over again. These kinds of dreams are called “drug dreams,” and they’re common in people...
In this week’s Torah reading–Mikketz–Joseph is finally released from prison and brought to Pharaoh to interpret two dreams which none of Egypt’s magicians had been able to do. As I was reading the text this week, I realized that Pharaoh’s dreams were repeated;...
A man went to the doctor for a battery of tests. When they were finished, the doctor came back into the room with a solemn look on his face. He said to the patient, “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you have 6 months to live.” The patient replied, “That’s...
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