Lighting Up The Darkness

Darkness and light are motifs that have been around since, well, the beginning. Coming as it does at the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere, Hanukkah–the Festival of Lights–acknowledges the very human desire and need for illumination. If the heavenly...
The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

In this week’s Torah reading, Va’era, we read about the first several of the 10 plagues suffered by Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Each time, Pharaoh offers to let the Israelites leave Egypt if that particular plague will stop, but once the plague does stop and all is...
Fear and Loathing in Ancient Egypt

Fear and Loathing in Ancient Egypt

On Sunday I attended Nassau County’s March and Rally against Antisemitism, where somewhere around 2,000 people of all faiths gathered to show support for the Jewish community in the wake of several recent hate crimes, and also to affirm that hate has no place here. My...
When Dreams Come True

When Dreams Come True

In this week’s Torah reading–Mikketz–Joseph is finally released from prison and brought to Pharaoh to interpret two dreams which none of Egypt’s magicians had been able to do. As I was reading the text this week, I realized that Pharaoh’s dreams were repeated;...

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